A to Z 2021 Theme Reveal

So excited to be joining the Blogging from A to Z Challenge again this year. It will be my 6th one! In years past I have done a combination of scrapbooking and concerts, both things I know and love. I was wondering what to do for this year given that we did not go to any concerts last year and, while we have been to enough shows that I probably could have done another 26 scrapbooking concert adventures, it is getting to be a stretch to find either an artist or a song title to match the letters. Also, I don’t have an outside job like I did when I worked at Michael’s to use for ideas.

And then I wrote a blog post about how I was now driving my son to San Francisco everyday and that even though I’ve lived in the Bay Area all my life I was finding things I had never seen before. One of our A to Z captains, J. Lennie Dorner, happened to leave a comment that it would be a good idea for an A to Z. And then I remembered that our newspaper, The San Francisco Chronicle, had included a couple of coloring book inserts to the Sunday Edition.

At first I thought I’d just use the books, color the pictures and call it done but then I had the idea to include some of my own pictures from the places I had been like the Golden Gate Bridge. A few of the letters in the coloring books showcased places that were outside of San Francisco and while I had also been to some of those spots, I thought it would be more fun to stick to San Francisco alone.

It took some research but I think I managed to get all the letters covered. So now my task is to actually go to these locations, take more pictures and write a little of the history. Since I’ve gotten both doses of the vaccine, I feel a little better about going out in public and visiting the spots I’ve chosen. It also depends on how much typing I get because that has to come first.

I hope that you will come along on this adventure in San Francisco with me. And if you are doing the A to Z this year, let me know so I can make sure to follow you too!

About scr4pl80 (Scrap Lady)

I'm a 60-ish, married, mom to 3, creative soul looking to make the world a better place one smile at a time.
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80 Responses to A to Z 2021 Theme Reveal

  1. Pingback: A to Z 2021 – Reflection | Janet's Smiles

  2. Pingback: A to Z 2021 – Z is for the Zoo and Zuckerberg SFG | Janet's Smiles

  3. Pingback: A to Z 2021 – X is for Xeriscape and X-tras | Janet's Smiles

  4. Pingback: A to Z 2021 – U is for Union Square and the Urbano Sundial | Janet's Smiles

  5. Pingback: A to Z 2021 – T is for Transamerica Building and Theaters | Janet's Smiles

  6. Pingback: A to Z 2021 – P is for The Presidio and Pier 39 | Janet's Smiles

  7. Pingback: A to Z 2021 – N is for North Beach and Nob Hill | Janet's Smiles

  8. Pingback: A to Z 2021 – M is for McCovey Cove and Museums | Janet's Smiles

  9. Pingback: A to Z 2021 – L is for Lombard Street and Lands End | Janet's Smiles

  10. Pingback: A to Z 2021 – J is for Japantown and the Japanese Tea Garden | Janet's Smiles

  11. Pingback: A to Z 2021 – G is for Golden Gate Bridge and Ghirardelli Square | Janet's Smiles

  12. Pingback: A to Z 2021 – D is for Dragon Gate and Dolores Park | Janet's Smiles

  13. Pingback: A to Z 2021 – C is for Coit Tower and Cobbs Comedy Club | Janet's Smiles

  14. Pingback: A to Z 2021 – B is for Bay Bridge and Bart | Janet's Smiles

  15. Pingback: A to Z 2021 – A is for Alcatraz and Alamo Square | Janet's Smiles

  16. Miss Andi says:

    I’m looking forward to this, San Fransisco sounds like a wonderful place, so maybe I can get there through your posts 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Great theme, it’ll be like travelling and discovering new places from behind the laptop!
    If you’re interested in jewellery making, feel free to pop by and have a look here: https://galeriaredelius.wordpress.com/2021/03/19/metal-meets-textile/

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Tara says:

    I’ll be following along as I’ve not been to SF. Sounds like a great idea!

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Ooo this seems amazing! Since you love colouring as well this works out so well! Happy to hear that you have gotten the vaccine! All the best for the challenge! Can’t wait to see al the pretty colourings!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. joey says:

    Cool 🙂 I am struggling to A-Z in my March photo prompts, so I definitely won’t be doing it on the blog, but I’m sure I’ll see yours!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. ahtdoucette says:

    What a fun idea for the A-Z challenge! And glad to hear you are fully vaccinated. We are still way behind where I live and it is one of those “can hardly wait” things.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Dena Pawling says:

    Great theme! Looking forward to your insight into San Francisco.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Frédérique says:

    SF and coloring books, great idea! I’m looking forward to reading 😉
    My 2021 AtoZ Reveal

    Liked by 1 person

  24. debscarey says:

    Yay Janet! I love that you’re doing the Challenge again & your theme sounds fabulous. I’ve not been to San Francisco, so I’m going to really enjoy going on a journey with you.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Trudy says:

    I’m so excited about your theme this year!!!!! (can you tell from the punctuation????) I lived in San Francisco for 3 years and absolutely loved it. A few years ago my husband and I returned to see a lot of the places we missed while living there. I can hardly wait to see what you share!

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Janet,

    Sounds like you have a good theme planned out for next month. It’ll be fun to do a little traveling in Northern California from the comfort of my chair. I’m glad you’re feeling more comfortable going out in public now that you’ve got the vaccine. I was wondering how does the vaccine work, will you have to get booster ever so often or is what you got supposed to fix you up? I’m in no hurry to get it since I’m healthy and am not a high risk candidate but I’m eager to learn from others. Thanks for dropping by to check out my theme for April. Best of luck to you, darlin’!

    Liked by 1 person

    • scr4pl80 says:

      Thanks Cathy! To be honest, I’m not sure if this will be something that people should get yearly like they get the flu shot or if this is something that will last until the next pandemic virus attacks. I do know that now that we are vaccinated, we can be in the same room with other vaccinated people without having to wear masks and we can be with kids and other’s who are low risk without masks. I was not a high risk person either but my son is working in an eye surgery office, my daughter is a teacher and my husband will be 70 next month and has a lot of medical conditions. They all got the vaccine so I did too. It just made sense.


  27. jazzfeathers says:

    I like that! Can’t wait to see what you’ll come up with 🙂
    Have a fantastic April 🙂

    The Old Shelter – Theme Reveal – The Great War

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Erica/Erika says:

    Well, this is fun, Janet! I recall reading your last year’s posts on this challenge. Your take and places you visit around San Francisco is a great idea. I look forward to following along!

    Liked by 1 person

  29. LA says:

    I love when you do these!

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Tarkabarka says:

    What a fun theme! I need more coloring books in my life…

    The Multicolored Diary


  31. This sounds great. I am doing my reveal on Thursday, my usual day for posting.

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Great idea. I love the thought that you are creating your A-Z experiences from scratch. That’s a proper challenge. Look forward to seeing it unfold.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Tamara says:

    Will I tag along for some San Francisco adventures? You can count on it!
    Great to see you back 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  34. peckapalooza says:

    It’s already time for the A to Z Challenge?! Yeah… I guess April is next month. Wow… really snuck up on me.

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Looking forward to learning more about the Bay area through your posts.

    Liked by 1 person

  36. Lisa says:

    You will make me homesick for the first time since I moved to Oregon in 2011! I grew up and lived in the East Bay. My father worked in SF, it’s where my parents met working at the old City of Paris.

    Liked by 1 person

  37. gigglingfattie says:

    Ooooo sounds super cool!!

    Liked by 1 person

  38. John Holton says:

    Sounds like a great idea! I’m looking forward to it!

    Liked by 1 person

  39. Martha says:

    I visited San Francisco once years ago, loved it there! I’m doing something similar. My theme is Life in Florida. Good luck with the challenge, I look forward to your posts!

    Liked by 1 person

  40. simplywendi says:

    I have been blessed to be able to visit San Francisco and it remains one of my favorite cities. I can’t imagine being surrounded by all that beauty every day!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  41. ghostmmnc says:

    Love this idea! How cool to have a coloring book of your area. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  42. Scarlett79 says:

    Y A Y Mz. Janet…I’m right behind you. Hope you are well and all the family is too. I love, love, love the AtoZ Challenge. I’m going to post my subject right after I send this. Blessing Dear ❤ Glad to see you are still around ❤ Scarlett79

    Liked by 1 person

  43. Mary B says:

    Great idea for a theme! Looking forward to your posts!

    Liked by 1 person

  44. Iain Kelly says:

    Fantastic theme Janet, look forward to learning about San Francisco, a place I have never been, but have seen lots of in movies and would love to visit. 6 years of the challenge too – well done!

    Liked by 1 person

  45. eschudel says:

    Congrats on getting the vaccine! Looking forward to reading your posts 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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