A to Z 2021 – D is for Dragon Gate and Dolores Park

When I was searching for things to fill the letters for my A to Z Challenge this year, I opened Google Maps of San Francisco and searched for a few of the places that I knew of off the top of my head. As I enlarged the map all kinds of things started popping up and one of them was Dragon Gate. I thought that would make a terrific “D.”

Dragon gate is the south facing gate marking the entrance to Chinatown in San Francisco. It was built in 1969 and dedicated in 1970. There are three portals, an east and west portal for pedestrians and then a middle portal for cars. It is one of the most photographed parts of Chinatown and I can see why.

Once again, this was just a drive by but I think you can get the feel of it.

The other “D” I have for today is Dolores Park.

Named after nearby Mission Dolores and sitting on land that was once a Jewish cemetery, Dolores Park is almost 16 acres of open space with lots of beautiful palm trees, 6 tennis courts, a basketball court, a playground and two off-leash dog areas, among other things. The park was bought by the City in 1905 and in 1906 was used as a refugee spot for 1,600 people dislocated after the earthquake. It is also used for rallies and other public gatherings.

During part of last year, in an effort to encourage social distancing, large 6-foot circles were painted onto the grass so you could continue to enjoy the area but be socially distant. There was no evidence of those circles when I went by today. However, there was a lot of graffiti on the walls surrounding the area, that’s why I didn’t take any pictures of the pathway to the park.

There is a statue of Miguel Hidalgo, the father of Mexican Independence. Unfortunately, someone had painted all over that as well.

It is sad to see things like this. There was a very friendly worker from the Parks and Rec department who was watering the plants around the statue and she said that someone would be coming by to clean it. I was particularly taken by this woman as she had a pleasant thing to say to everyone who passed by her.

As you can tell the coloring page is not finished but I decided I could either color or write the post. Writing the post won! I just took the pictures this morning too! I was marginally prepared for this A to Z. Hope you are enjoying and will come back tomorrow for “E.”

Disclaimer notice. The coloring book pages are from the inserts the San Francisco Chronicle put out and I mentioned them in my theme reveal so you can go to that to get the info about the artists if you are interested. I did the coloring and took the pictures.

About scr4pl80 (Scrap Lady)

I'm a 60-ish, married, mom to 3, creative soul looking to make the world a better place one smile at a time.
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37 Responses to A to Z 2021 – D is for Dragon Gate and Dolores Park

  1. As you can tell I’m playing catch up…. I love the dragons on the roof.

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  2. Pingback: A to Z 2021 – Reflection | Janet's Smiles

  3. Pingback: A to Z 2021 – X is for Xeriscape and X-tras | Janet's Smiles

  4. debscarey says:

    That’s a gorgeous park – one of the things I miss about living in London is the big parks. We have more countryside where we live now, but I guess I’m a city girl at heart 🙂

    A-Zing from Fiction Can Be Fun
    Normally found at Debs Despatches

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  5. Pingback: A to Z 2021 – I is for Ina Coolbrith Park and Immigrant Point Overlook | Janet's Smiles

  6. cassmob says:

    I’m acquiring tips for when/if we visit San Francisco again. Good to have a local’s view. A shame about the graffiti and pepper spray.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Vidya Tiru says:

    I did not realize that the entrance to China Town had a name of its own… so thank you for that. It is always fun to visit there.
    And all that defacing is so sad to see… I do hope that people realize the damage they cause is more than just the visible..
    Diacope Or At the Risk of Repeating Myself

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Tamara says:

    Don’t worry about coloring pages – you’re still getting Gold Stars for your posts!
    The Dolores Park Lady sounds lovely. It’s so nice to talk to local people who take pride in what they do and take it as their mission to represent their area of responsibility.

    I man in China Town once wrote my name in Chinese. I must still have that card somewhere.

    Liked by 1 person

    • scr4pl80 says:

      Thanks Tamara! I don’t even have a coloring page for some of the letters. I was delighted to hear how friendly this park worker was.


  9. LA says:

    You’re doing a great job with these!!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Good choices. We lived in Soho’s Chinatown in the 1970s

    Liked by 1 person

  11. We have a ChinaTown in Singapore too ….Dragons are a quintessential part of that architecture ….Parks and picnics and sunshine ….oh I love them

    Visiting here from atoz

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Visiting here from #atoz … we have a ChinaTown in Singapore too… I love parks and picnics …. A beautiful one you have got there…

    Liked by 1 person

  13. John Holton says:

    When we were in San Francisco in ’67, we spent a lot of time in Chinatown. When Mary and I were there in ’97, she wanted to go to Chinatown and buy medicinal herbs. We went into one place, and the lady who ran it was very plasant but had a severely-limited English vocabulary. Needless to say, we bought no herbs…

    That people painted obscenities on that statue is a disgrace. Sometimes I wish the statues would com to life and paint obscenities on the vandals.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. The middle entrance of Dragon Gate doesn’t look big enough for cars. I do remember visiting and enjoying Chinatown when I was there.Weekends In Maine

    Liked by 1 person

  15. J-Dub says:

    Thanks for taking us along. I’d love to visit Chinatown. Sad about the defacing in Dolores Park. Such pretty place. Nice green grass. Looks picnic ready.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Liam says:

    I’m enjoying your posts! I’ve only been to San Francisco a few times, and the last time was close to 20 years ago! But I have good memories of the city.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I remember Dragon Gate – I’ve visited it several times. Being born in a dragon year I love finding them.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Ally Bean says:

    I want to visit SF Chinatown someday. Your photos are enticing.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. I’ve been to Chinatown on one of my TWO trips to Frisco. Interesting place and great food! (I cannot handle the hilly streets or THAT bridge and prolly never going back! 😀 )

    I don’t know why people have to deface property intended for everyone to enjoy. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  20. I haven’t been to either of these. They both look interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

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