In Tune With June – Believe It or Not

Each year for the past few years I have chosen a word of the year.  In 2014 it was “Courage” and in 2015 it was “Change.”  In 2016 it was “Focus” and this year it is “Believe.”  Throughout the year I try to incorporate that word into my life in lots of different ways.  Some are obvious, some not so much.  I wear it in a locket around my neck and I have little notes in different spots on my planners and things.

Sometimes the word shows itself to me in very unexpected ways.  The background:  We were offered 4 free nights in Reno, which is our usual getaway at this time of year to celebrate our anniversary (33 years) and so I booked them for the end of May.  My husband has been retired since June of last year and we are living on his retirement and pension plus my transcription work (I am self-employed doing medical transcription for the last 16 years).  Things were going reasonably well and since it was Memorial weekend I figured I could take a few days off. 

Then little things began to pop up that made me have some second thoughts.  Bill was injured at work a few years ago and we are expecting a settlement from his Workers’ Comp which I was hoping would come before the trip.  It did not.  During the weeks before we were set to go I lost one of my transcription clients (he retired without warning) and the volume from another major client has significantly decreased so my income basically has been cut in half overnight.  I really agonized about whether to cancel the trip and stay home and was trying to think about ways that I could start to supplement my income – maybe even go out in the “real world” and get a job.  I decided we should go ahead and go on the vacation and we could start exploring new ideas when we got back.  After all, the hotel rooms were free and we were going to be doing some inexpensive, fun things while we were there.  If our financial situation is changing, we probably won’t be able to do a trip like this again for a while.    

While in Reno we went on a Big City Hunt which I wrote about in a previous post.  One of the places we were led to was a sculpture in the middle of the city.  We approached it from the side and all I could see at first was a tall metal piece with birds cut out in it.  Bill was a bit ahead of me and he said, “Honey, look at what it is.”  As I turned the corner to see the whole sculpture I just lost it and started crying.  This is what I saw:

Even with the person sleeping on the bottom leg of the middle “E” it was still very impressive.  I felt like a shock went through me.  I held onto Bill and the tears just came.  I had not told him of my concerns because I didn’t want to worry him and then when I started crying, I explained my fears.  He held me and being the sensitive guy he is, he totally got what I was feeling.  There was another couple there and we took their picture in front of the sign and they took ours.  Don’t know why we didn’t move to one of the other letters so the guys feet wouldn’t be in the picture.  Guess I was still a bit emotional.
Then Bill took one of me:

Talk about a sign, huh?  We had a really good time while we were away and now that we are home, I believe that we will find a way to make things work.  I have to.

How about you?  Ever get a sign like that?  Do you pick a word for the year?  Have any transcription work you need done?  Want me to make a special scrapbook album for you?  I have some time 🙂 

from Blogger

About scr4pl80 (Scrap Lady)

I'm a 60-ish, married, mom to 3, creative soul looking to make the world a better place one smile at a time.
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22 Responses to In Tune With June – Believe It or Not

  1. Loved this, Janet! I’m a huge fan of choosing one word each year, especially after consistently failing at resolutions.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I came over from Jill’s

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  3. I love the idea of picking out a word each year–what a fantastic idea. I’m so glad it has manifested itself in meaningful way for you, too. I haven’t had that experience with a particular word, but I have had certain scriptures pop up over and over that my heart needed at the time. We all have to have something to ‘believe’ in to get us through the rough patches. This is a beautiful post, my friend. Dawn

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Miss Andi says:

    I’m sorry to hear about the difficulties you’re facing but so glad you found a sign to encourage you to go on! Hope things will turn out for the better soon!

    While it’s been a long time, glad you’re still going strong! As a thank you for your support on my blog, I’ve included you on the Mystery Blogger Award post. Thank you for your connection!

    Liked by 1 person

    • scr4pl80 says:

      Thanks Miss Andi! I read your post and it sounds like you are having a great vacation. I have been gotten the Mystery Blogger award already but thanks for the second nomination and I will answer your questions on my blog! Have a great weekend and hope to see you some more around the blogosphere!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Can’t believe (no pun intended) I didn’t see your blog before! Hope things sort out. Somehow they always do. Sometimes it’s different than that we expected.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ally Bean says:

    What an amazing sign! How cool that it all worked out like it was meant to be.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Janet,

    I don’t pick a word like you do each year but I like the idea. Thinking about retirement is kinda of scary. During the late 90s, DH was unemployed for almost three years at which time we went through his retirement. For the past 17 years with two periods of unemployment in the mix we working on building his 401. It’s nowhere near what we want but we hope the market works in our favor. I’d love to find a way to work from home to contribute to our income and retirement nest egg or maybe I can win the lottery before DH retires. Now, wouldn’t that be grand? I hope your hubby gets his workman’s comp. I know that would be helpful. What a huge sign! And, I mean that in more than one way. I can understand the flood of emotions this stirred in you. God gave you a reminder just when you needed it the most. Thanks for sharing. Loved the story! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • scr4pl80 says:

      Thanks, Cathy! It is so scary to think of retiring with no money! I am going to try to work at least until I am 65 (another 3 years) longer if I can because the longer I work, the more money I’ll get for retirement. Winning the lottery is always a good thought! Thanks for taking the time to stop by!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Denise Mason says:

    Gotta BELIEVE!! Hugs Janet.


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