April 2017 – #Atozchallenge – Heaven’s it’s H

H is for Huey Lewis and the News.

Huey Lewis is responsible for my concert addiction.  He doesn’t know that of course, but back in 2006 I won tickets to one of his concerts through a radio station.  I wrote about that last year during the A to Z – R for Radio.

It was the first concert we had been to in many years and Huey Lewis really rocked.  He was so good, even Chicago, the other group playing that night, had him come out on stage with them.  His performance with them was the best part of their show, in my opinion.  My pictures, however, are not so good.  I even printed some of them in black and white to see if that would help.

Since that concert in 2006, we’ve seen Huey Lewis at least 4 times.  All the rest have been at the Mountain Winery, where we are able to get good seats near the stage.

In 2009 we saw them and our seats were pretty close, about the 5th row back!

Dwight Clark was in the audience and he went up on stage to sing “Hip to Be Square,” which is a song that he and some of the other then 49-ers had sung back-up vocals on.  At the end of the show Huey says, “I’m Huey Lewis and you’ve just heard the News!”
A few years later, in 2013, we saw Huey again at the Winery.  This venue is such a good one that there are almost no bad seats in the house.  We were a little farther back this time, Section 11.  They were doing a special “Sports” tour, celebrating 30 years of their musical album of the same name.  Although the album I am working on is all about concerts and other stage shows we’ve seen, I like to incorporate other things besides music so for this layout I used papers from this We R Memories scrapbook pad called MVP.  
There was a sheet that looked like the sports section of the newspaper so I used that for the second page.  On it I was able to include a partial review of the show from Jason Debord of Rock Subculture.  He’s got some great pictures but then again, he has press credentials!
Even though the songs aren’t sports related, I used other embellishments on the layouts to give it that sporty feel.  I broke the set list up and put it on two separate pages because the first part of the concert was the whole Sports album, front to back, and the second half was other hits of theirs.
They did their typical ending where they all come to the front of the stage and pose together.  
We’ve seen them twice more, once in 2014 and again last year but those aren’t scrapped yet and I have to get on to the letter “I” so they will have to wait.  Each of those years has a story and I can’t do them justice by rushing.  
There’s “H” and again I say it is Huey Lewis’ fault that I am such a concert fanatic now because if he had had a bad performance that first time we saw him, I don’t think we would have been in such a hurry to spend the money on another show.  After all, those tickets were free and Chicago was a disappointment so we (I) wouldn’t have felt the pull.  

How about you?  Ever seen Huey Lewis?  Been to the Mountain Winery?  Go to concerts?  Share!

You can click over to the main A to Z Challenge page to see what other participants have come up with for this letter, and come back to see what I has for us!

from Blogger http://asmile4ufromjanet.blogspot.com/2017/04/april-2017-atozchallenge-heavens-its-h.html

About scr4pl80 (Scrap Lady)

I'm a 60-ish, married, mom to 3, creative soul looking to make the world a better place one smile at a time.
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5 Responses to April 2017 – #Atozchallenge – Heaven’s it’s H

  1. Ally Bean says:

    I think I might have seen Huey Lewis in concert. Way back when. He was the warm-up act for somebody or another. Or maybe he wasn’t. I don’t remember concerts the way you do. When I think of rock concerts all I remember is spending time with friends, and that some music was playing somewhere around us. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Liked by 1 person

    • scr4pl80 says:

      He’s been the warm-up act for a lot of different groups but when we see him at the Winery he’s the headliner. Love your emoji!!!


      • Ally Bean says:

        Ok then. I think we saw him with Elvis Costello, who I definitely remember. It was back in his My Aim Is True days and we were at an outdoor venue, sitting on damp grass, late summer– with mosquitos everywhere. The music was good, but the atmosphere was a nightmare– and that’s what I remember the most!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. No, I haven’t seen Huey Lewis in concert but we like his mewsic from the 80s and 90s. He really rode the wave there for awhile but I haven’t heard anything in recent years from him. It’s good to hear he’s still doing concerts. I will have to see what new tunes he’s put out if anything. Thanks for sharing your memories and for visiting #AprilA2Z Art Sketching Through the Alphabet Letter “H” + #4M yesterday!

    Liked by 1 person

    • scr4pl80 says:

      We get spoiled hearing our favorites and when they try to introduce new stuff sometimes it doesn’t set very well with us. Sometimes though, like Adele, we love the new stuff too!


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